2010년 5월 28일 금요일


Gyeongbokgung, also known as Gyengbokgung Palace or Gyeongbok Palace, is a royal palace located in Seoul, South Korea. It is located at the heart of Seoul near to Mountain Bugaksan. It was the main and the largest palace of the Five Grand Palaces built in 1395, three years after Joseon Dynasty was founded by Yi Seong-Gye. Gyeongbokgung means "Palace Greatly Blessed by Heaven."

This is the entrance of Gyeongbokgung

There is a guard change ceremony

With guard at the gate

There are lots of small doors on the way

A small garden



Hours & Admissions

March~October 09:00~18:00
November~February 09:00~17:00
Open until 19:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays from May to August
Close on Tuesdays
Ticket booths close one hour before the closing of the palace
Age 19~64: 3,000 won/ 2,400 won (group, 20 or more)
Age 7~18: 1,500 won/ 1,200 won (group, 10 or more)

How to get there?

No.5 exit of Gyeongbokgung Station (line No.3) →5 min. on foot
No.2 exit of Gwanghwamun Station (line No,.5) →10 min. on foot

Western Side of Gyeongbokgung: 0212, 1020, 1711, 7016, 7022
South Eastern Side of Gyeongbokgung: 1020, 109, 272, 171, 602-1, 606, 7025, 708
South Western Side of Gyeongbokgung: 9708

Free Guided Walking Tours
English - 09:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00
Japanese - 09:30, 10:30, 13:00, 15:00
Chinese - 10:00, 12:30, 14:30

*Each tour takes about an our

댓글 2개:

  1. This post makes me want to visit this place
    thanks for the information :)

  2. thanks for the comment!
    hope you frequently visit our blog
    and get more information about Korea!
