2010년 6월 13일 일요일



Insadong is a neighborhood of Jongno-gu district of South Korean city of Seoul. The main street is called Insadong-gil. It is the largest market for antiques and artworks of Korea. Insadong-gil is well known as a traditional street to both locals and foreigners and represents the culture of the past and the present. It contains a mixture of historical and modern atmosphere and is a unique area of Seoul that truly represents the cultural history of the nation. The area is well know for sightseeing, with approximately 100,000 visitors on Sundays.


A man playing the bamboo flute


Antique shops

How to get there?
  No.6 exit of Anguk Station (line no.3)
  No.3 exit of Jong-gak Station (line no.1)
  No.1 or 5 exit of Jongno-samga (line no.1, 3, 5)
  Bound for Anguk station
   - 109, 151, 162, 171 172, 272, 601, 1012, 7025, 602-1
  Bound for Jong-gak Station (exit3)
   - 143, 150, 160, 161, 200, 260, 262, 270, 271, 273, 300


There is a Insadong Info Center and it produces a variety of services, including foreign language interpretation offering information about Insadong and Korean traditional culture, screen play showing contents of Insadong by each national language, traditional costumes wearing experiences, history tour in Insadong and its surroundings companied by a culture commentator, and free internet surfing which are aimed at helping a log of home and foreign visitors easily understand and experience Insadong's unique tour and cultures

touris information hotline -1330/ BBB-an interpretation volunteer center

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