2010년 6월 14일 월요일

The magical beauty of HANBOK

MBC TV drama
At least one hundreds years ago, Hanbok dresses were the most typical our ancestors used to wear in their entire life. Even though Korean people barely wear Hanbok nowadays anymore except for some special occasion, we still and thankfully appreciate the beautiful costume almost everyday on television because historical drama has been a big hit during several past years. In that kind of drama and movie, we can see various kind of colorful hanbok.

Although nowadays few people wear Hanbok except on national holidays New year's day, the beauty and elegance of the garment is always amazing.

Stitch by stitch, making a beautiful hanbok takes great craftmanship, effort, and passion. It depends on how you choose the right combination of colors among infinite possibilities; how you cut, fold, stitch up patches of the cloth together; how you sew patterns onto it, etc.
Hanbok has some magical quality about its color and texture that even the modern digital technology can't really simulate on the screen.

Hanbok takes into acoount the wearer's body shape, comfort, and beauty, all at the same time, It is one of the Korea's greatest assets containing its people's indelible, age-long wisdom.
Despite of the garment's much fallen possibility among people nowadays, the passion and perseverance of Hanbok artists endures.

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